Key details
The Yeronga Priority Development Area (PDA) is approximately three hectares and includes parts of Villa Street and Park Road in Yeronga.
The site is located near an arterial road network, rail and bus services.
The redevelopment of the site is proposed to include the construction of a new community centre for Yeronga. Diverse residential options, small-scale retail and improved active transport in and around the PDA are also proposed.
EDQ has been working closely with Yeronga State High School and its community since 2017 to ensure the PDA redevelopment complements the school, while also exploring opportunities for increased benefits for the school and broader community.
Prior to the PDA declaration, an additional 2 hectares of former TAFE land was provided to the school to allow for future growth and development.
The PDA was declared on 10 August 2018.
Development scheme
A development scheme is the regulatory document that assists with planning, carrying out, promoting, coordinating and controlling land development within a PDA.
The Yeronga PDA Development Scheme came into effect 9 August 2019.
The proposed Yeronga PDA Development Scheme was publicly notified from 1 April to 17 May 2019. A submissions report assessing the submissions and any amendments to the proposed development scheme was prepared.
For more information visit Have your say.
Prior to the approval of the development scheme, development within the PDA was regulated under the Yeronga PDA Interim Land Use Plan (ILUP).
Development assessment
Economic Development Queensland (EDQ) assesses development applications for this PDA against the Yeronga PDA Development Scheme.
Funding and building infrastructure is key to facilitating development within PDAs.
The Yeronga PDA Development Charges and Offset Plan (DCOP) accompanies the PDA development scheme. It identifies relevant development charges, how these charges are calculated, levied and administered, and the trunk infrastructure required to service the PDA.
You can also view the Yeronga PDA Infrastructure Planning and Background Report (IPBR) and Submissions Report.
To claim either a provisional or a final infrastructure offset use the online form. Please refer to the application checklist before completing the online form.
Yeronga PDA regulatory map
Yeronga PDA boundary map
Last updated: 2 August 2024