About Priority Development Areas

Priority Development Areas (PDAs) are tracts of land within Queensland identified for development to deliver significant benefits to for community and economic development purposes.

The Minister for Economic Development Queensland (MEDQ) may declare a PDA under the Economic Development Act 2012.

Economic Development Queensland (EDQ) manages development projects in some PDAs. Projects may include, for example, commercial development, industrial opportunities and residential estates in partnership with local government and industry.

View a list of PDAs and boundary maps.

For more information download the Introduction to PDAs and the PDA factsheet.

Current PDAS and PDA associated development

Details of all current PDAs and PDA Associated Development are available on the following pages:

Declaration of PDAs

A range of factors are considered when deciding if a PDA is declared, including:

  • Will the outcome support economic growth?
  • Is there a need for accelerated development?
  • Is the development intended for a special purpose?
  • Will it unlock under-utilised and surplus government owned land?
  • Will it drive development for community purposes?

When a PDA is declared, Economic Development Queensland works closely with local government and other stakeholders to plan, assess and guide development within a PDA. This includes the preparation Interim Land Use Plans (ILUPs) and PDA Development Schemes, which are development instruments that regulate land use and development.

Further information on making and amending ILUPs and Development Schemes is available via the How to make a submission page.

PDA development instruments

Under the Economic Development Act 2012 there are two types of development instruments: an Interim Land Use Plan (ILUP) and a development scheme.

An ILUP is in place generally up to 12 months after the declaration of a PDA, until the overarching plan for the area (the development scheme) is approved by the MEDQ.

A development scheme is the regulatory document that assists with planning, promoting, coordinating and controlling land development within a PDA.

Public notification of proposed development schemes and amendments

Public notification of proposed development schemes and amendments are published on the relevant PDA page on the department's website and in the local newspaper.

The submission period is a minimum of 30 business days for a proposed development scheme and 15 business days for an amendment.

The Minister for Economic Development Queensland (MEDQ) must consider all submissions made about the development scheme or amendment that are received during the submission period.

How to make a submission

For details about making a submission download the How to make a proposed development scheme submission fact sheet.

Submissions can be made to the MEDQ by:


Online: Visit Have your say

Post: Economic Development Queensland GPO Box 2202 Brisbane QLD 4001

Find out how to make a submission about a PDA development application.

EDQ guidelines and practice notes

EDQ guidelines and practice notes assist in the progression of development proposals and support the development assessment process. These guidelines cover a range of topics such as housing, development, and planning and should be read along with the development instruments.

Search EDQ guidelines and practice notes.

PDA-associated development

Certain proposed developments for a PDA may be identified as ‘PDA-associated development’. This means the development is located outside the PDA but is required for the functionality of the PDA.

More information about PDA-associated development

Vegetation management

In a Priority Development Area (PDA), clearing vegetation (i.e. removal of the vegetation) may be regulated by the development scheme. If this is the case a PDA development application is required to be lodged, assessed and approved prior to clearing the vegetation.

Further information is available on the vegetation management page.

More information

For more information contact Economic Development Queensland:

Email: contact@edq.qld.gov.au

Phone: 07 3452 7880

Last updated: 19 July 2024