Development applications and assessment

In a Priority Development Area (PDA), development applications are assessed and decided under the Economic Development Act 2012 (ED Act).

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Check if a property is located in a PDA (search by property address or zoom into the map).

MEDQ delegate

The Minister for Economic Development Queensland (MEDQ) has the powers under the ED Act to assess and decide a PDA development application but may delegate these powers to another entity such as a local government, state government department, authority or agency.

Economic Development Queensland (EDQ) is generally the MEDQ delegate for development applications in PDAs.

However, in the following PDAs the MEDQ has delegated the powers to assess and decide development applications:

Development application process

Development applications made to EDQ generally go through a six step development application process.

Development applications and approvals

If EDQ is the MEDQ delegate for the application, you can search to find out if an application has been lodged with or decided by EDQ.

If another entity, such as a local government or state authority, is the MEDQ delegate for the application, contact them directly for information about current applications and approvals.

Making a development application

Before lodging a development application, the applicant needs to:

  • check the proposed development site is in a PDA
  • confirm the MEDQ delegate for the development application
  • identify and complete the correct forms
  • identify the project cost estimate to be included in the correct forms
  • identify and confirm with EDQ Development Assessment the correct assessment fee.

Development application forms, guidelines and practice notes

If EDQ is the MEDQ delegate for the application, the application must be made using the EDQ approved forms.

If another entity is the MEDQ delegate for the application, contact them to confirm the applicable forms and procedures.

EDQ provides additional information about assessing and deciding development applications in a suite of guidelines and practice notes.

How to make a submission

Anyone can make a submission about a PDA development application.

Last updated: 6 September 2024