Assessment fees

Under the Economic Development Act 2012, the Minister for Economic Development Queensland has set fees and charges to recover the cost of considering and processing priority development area (PDA) development applications and making and amending development instruments.

On 1 July 2024 EDQ fees and charges made pursuant to the Queensland Treasury Principles for Fees and Charges (January 2018) will increase by 3.4%, as per the annual Government Indexation Rate (GIR) for the 2024-25 financial year*.

The 2024/25 development assessment fees and charges schedule applies to PDA development applications lodged to Economic Development Queensland (EDQ) from 1 July 2024.

The applicable assessment fee for a particular application must be confirmed by an EDQ Development Assessment officer prior to payment.


Where responsibility for processing and deciding a PDA development application has been delegated to another entity (i.e. a local government) the other entity is responsible for setting the application fees. For information about the appropriate fee contact the relevant entity.

*The Queensland Government Indexation Policy requires departments to regularly review their fees and charges to ensure they remain appropriate and that the cost structure underlying the amount of the fee or charge remains accurate and efficient. To maintain the value of the fees and charges when a comprehensive review is not conducted, the policy provides for departments to apply the government indexation rate. For the 2023/24 financial year, the indexation rate is 3.4%.

Last updated: 23 December 2024