The Mill at Moreton Bay

Key details

The Mill at Moreton Bay Priority Development Area (PDA) will facilitate the development of the University of the Sunshine Coast Moreton Bay campus.

It also aims to fast-track transport related development in the existing Petrie Town Centre and land near the Kallangur and Lawnton train stations.

It includes the existing Petrie Town Centre to the west of Petrie Station and land to the south of the new Kallangur station and covers an area of approximately 460 hectares.

The redevelopment of the former paper mill site will include the construction of the University of the Sunshine Coast Moreton Bay campus, new health, retail, commercial and residential developments and community infrastructure.

Stage one of the University of the Sunshine Coast’s Moreton Bay campus is expected to open and be delivering courses from semester 1 in 2020.

The PDA was declared on 2 September 2016, at the request of Moreton Bay Regional Council.

Development scheme

The development scheme is the regulatory document which assists with planning, carrying out, promoting, coordinating and controlling land development within the PDA.

The Mill at Moreton Bay Development Scheme commenced on 18 August 2017.

Note: Amendments to the Economic Development Act 2012 have changed the interpretation of PDA exempt and PDA self-assessable development. More information.

Development assessment

Moreton Bay Regional Council assesses development applications for this PDA.

All development applications are assessed against the development scheme.


Funding and building infrastructure is key to facilitating development within PDAs and is outlined in the Infrastructure Funding Framework.

Applicable development charges are set out in The Mill at Moreton Bay PDA Development Charges Offset Plan (DCOP). The requirement to pay development charges, or to deliver the infrastructure identified, will be a condition of a PDA development approval.

The DCOP also sets out the trunk infrastructure that can be offset and the development charges crediting, offsetting and refunding arrangements applicable to development within the PDA.

Development project

For further information, including matters relating to development assessment, visit the City of Moreton Bay website.

The Mill at Moreton Bay PDA regulatory map

Download the The Mill at Moreton Bay PDA regulatory map.

The Mill at Moreton Bay PDA boundary map

Last updated: 6 November 2024